Using IEC 61499 Models for Automatic Network Configuration of Distributed Automation Systems

Ben Schneider, Sebastian Voss, Monika Wenger und Alois Zoitl

9th Vienna International Conference on Mathmatical Modelling (MATHMOD2018),

Februar 2018


The new Ethernet standard Time-Sensitive Networking is an enabler for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) but gets more and more difficult to configure with a continuous rising number of network nodes, because each node has to be set up separately. We propose an approach towards automatic configuration of real-time networks based on models of IEC 61499, a modeling language for distributed industrial automation systems. Therefore, these existing models are analysed w.r.t. their network modeling capabilities and missing information is shown.

Stichworte: distributed industrial automation, IEC 61499, Time-Sensitive Networking, TSN, real-time, deterministic networking, schedule synthesis, model-based systems engineering, MbSE