Training Energy optimization in industry


Energy optimization in industry - using synergies between buildings with foresight

The commercial real estate sector is undergoing a period of major transformation. With the increasing proportion of photovoltaic systems, the expansion of electromobility and ever more variable energy costs, the economic view of energy systems and buildings is also changing. This is leading to more complex business models based on intelligent energy management systems for electricity and heat.

fortiss has developed the free district planning tool "EQuiP" as part of a BMWK project. The tool is designed to simulate the interaction of renewable energy generation and consumption, incorporating predictive energy management within the building network, showcasing the potential of this transformation.

In this training course, Dr. Jan Mayer from the fortiss competence field Architectures and Services for Critical Infrastructures will introduce you to the EQuiP user interface so that you can independently evaluate possible expansion scenarios from an energy perspective. The training will be held as part of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Augsburg.


  • Fundamentals and potential of predictive energy management and simulation of a building network
  • Potential analysis of a commercial building network and on the basis of new freely available data sets (LoD2, MaStR)
  • Outlook: Dynamic electricity tariffs and peak load capping

Benefits for the participants

  • Introduction to "EQuiP" and configuration of scenarios
  • Estimation of specific savings potential from the intelligent, energy-related networking of buildings
  • Preparation and implementation of the economic evaluation of a networked commercial district in existing buildings

Note: The EQuiP planning tool is an open source project that has emerged from a research project and is not a commercial product. Please bring your own laptop for the training.


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14:00 to 05:00 h


fortiss GmbH
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6 (Tower 1, 15. OG)
80805 Munich




Free of charge

Target group

The training is aimed at companies from the commercial real estate industry, small and medium-sized companies with their own real estate management and technical building services planning offices (HVAC, electrical).

Previous knowledge

Not required.


Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Augsburg

Dr. Jan Mayer

Your contact

Dr. Jan Mayer

+49 89 3603522 454