fortiss Transfer services

Transfer services

Advancing the digital transformation systematically

The fortiss transfer services offer a broad spectrum of information, qualification and implementation research projects for companies across various domains. Our manufacturer-independent, solutions-oriented expertise and many years of experience enables us to provide competent support during the development of future digital products and services. This includes access to the latest scientific findings and practical training with advanced technologies.

Interested in further information related to the fortiss transfer services? Get in touch with us!

[Translate to English:] fortiss Transfer

Transfer services

The fortiss information seminars on current technology trends, digitalization or artificial intelligence (AI) illustrate the variety of opportunities available to implement highly-innovative technologies in your company. In collaboration with our network partners, we bring science and industry together across Bavaria and outline the advantages and benefits of individual software solutions, such as through a wide range of demonstrators in the fortiss labs.

You can also participate in small workshops and hands-on sessions in order to network with our experts and other research partners and companies.

 Jana Kümmel

Your contact

Jana Kümmel

+49 89 3603522 146

By taking advantage of the fortiss training and education services, you enable your employees to broaden their skills in a targeted manner in the area of current technologies, digitalization and AI. You are thus laying the foundation for the successful implementation of innovative software solutions within your company.

With a combination of theoretical and practical elements, our experts offer the tools you need to address the digital transformation. Using seminars, webinars and workshops tailored from a technical standpoint, we convey not only terms and concepts, but also specific methods and tools. We also show the potential of using new software technologies in your company and explain their use in practical applications.

We furthermore offer individually-adapted training and education programs so your employees can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for specific issues and challenges.

Further information and the complete offer can be found at:

► Customized qualification offers

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

Your contact

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

+49 89 3603522 172

Using company-specific workshops, fortiss works with you to define your individual challenges and requirements. We analyze problems, identify possible causes and develop solutions and optimization possibilities in order to unleash the untapped potential of an organization.  The results can be used as the basis for the further development of concrete prototypes or the establishment of joint projects.


With the easy Quick Checks, fortiss offers small and medium-sized companies application-oriented online tools for the initial analysis of internal software development processes.

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Dr. Severin Kacianka

Your contact

Dr. Severin Kacianka

+49 89 3603522 286

fortiss offers you a wealth of opportunities for exploring, testing and evaluating new solution approaches for software-intensive systems. As a research partner, you have access to our experienced experts’ know-how in order to jointly develop solutions for your company’s specific challenges.

Our range of services includes:

  • Prototyping workshops for developing new ideas and testing innovative methods and technologies
  • Introduction to the fortiss open-source software infrastructure
  • Hackathons in conjunction with our college and university partners
  • Software prototype development in a pilot project over several months
  • Feasibility analyses and the modification of methods specific to your challenge
 Manuela Lambacher

Your contact

Manuela Lambacher

+49 89 3603522 274

If you want to develop innovative processes, products or services, but have limited personnel or technical resources, we are your ideal research partner. You have a clear idea of what you want your software to do, while we have the independent expertise to make it happen.

We work hand-in-hand to design and realize your ideas within the framework of publicly-funded research projects, whether it involves bilateral cooperation or larger consortiums involving various partners.

We support you along the path to an alliance project with the following services:

  • Analyzing your issues and challenges in an introductory workshop.
  • Identifying suitable cooperation and funding opportunities.
  • Providing technical and administrative support when submitting joint project applications.
  • State-of-the-art research in the field of software and AI.

Further information can be found at:

► Funding opportunities

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

Your contact

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

+49 89 3603522 172

Do you already have a concrete idea for a new product or innovative service that you would like to realize through a pilot project? Are you looking for a reliable partner that can provide technical support? The fortiss experts work with numerous companies on a daily basis to develop innovative, research-based solutions to address concrete challenges.

Depending on the scope of your project, we offer an entire range of development services, from initial concepts, to precompetitive software solutions (TR-Level 6) evaluated in industrial environments. In contrast to publicly-financed research projects, fortiss ensures the activities are always focused on the individual challenges of your company.

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

Your contact

Dr. Wolfgang Köhler

+49 89 3603522 172

CTA Button Qualification

fortiss Quick Checks

With the fast Quick Checks, fortiss offers small and medium-sized companies application-related online tools for the analysis of internal software development processes, which

  • survey their own status quo in relation to specific topics,
  • compare the results with other companies in the same or other industries and
  • identify potential for methods and competencies and measures to improve development activities.
[Translate to English:] AI Engineering Quick Check

Development of AI-/Machine Learning-based products

► Start Quick Check

Optimization of requirements management

► Start Quick Check


[Translate to English:] Software Engineering Quick Check

Development of digital products and software systems

► Start Quick Check

[Translate to English:] Energy Quick Check

Optimization of energy consumption

► Start Quick Check