New research fellows appointed

Bundled expertise for research and young scientists

fortiss appointed two additional research fellows and two senior research fellow this summer, honoring three renowned researchers who have earned a well-deserved reputation in the research field of software-intensive systems. With this initiative, fortiss is placing even more emphasis on the goal of coupling external academic expertise with the institute’s research activities.

With Prof. Dr. Klaus Diepold (Chair for Data Processing at TUM) and Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes (Chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems at TUM), fortiss was able to attract two additional high-profile scientists as research fellows. Prof. Dr. Manfred Broy (Chair for Computer Science at TUM) and the former Scientific Director at fortiss, Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar (Chair of Information Systems at TUM) will serve the institute as a senior research fellow. With these new appointments, fortiss has increased the total number of participating expert scientists from five to nine.

The fortiss research fellow program offers outstanding academic and industry scientists the opportunity to bring their research activities and networks to the institute. The program focuses on creating even more opportunities for research questions and methods, providing the key areas of research at fortiss an additional quality boost, placing the developed technologies and prototypes in the market and establishing stand-alone research groups dedicated to industry-relevant topics.

The extensive experience of the fortiss research fellows and senior research fellows is in demand for on-going and future projects together with the fortiss scientists, for the transfer of research results to industry and society and for assessing and appraising research activities. The research fellows will also play a strong role in the supervision of young fortiss scientists.