fortiss wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen, Zeitschriftenaufsätze und Broschüren mit Ergebnissen aus dem Institut

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Stichworte: DSE

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  • September 2017 DREAMS Toolchain: Model-Driven Engineering of Mixed-Criticality Systems Simon Barner, Alexander Diewald, Jörn Migge, Ali Abbas Jaffari Syed, Gerhard Fohler, Madeleine Faugère und Daniel Gracia Pérez In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '17), Seiten 259–269, IEEE. Details DOI BIB


  • Oktober 2016 Usable Design Space Exploration in AutoFOCUS3 Johannes Eder und Sebastian Voss In Joint Proceedings of the 12th Educators Symposium (EduSymp 2016) and 3rd International Workshop on Open Source Software for Model Driven Engineering (OSS4MDE 2016) co-located with MODELS 2016, Seiten 51–58, CEUR-WS. Details URL BIB
  • September 2016 Building Product-lines of Mixed-Criticality Systems Simon Barner, Alexander Diewald, Fernando Eizaguirre, Anatoly Vasilevskiy und Franck Chauvel In Proceedings of the Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL 2016), Bremen, Germany, IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • April 2016 Schedule synthesis for multi-period SW components Sebastian Voss, Johannes Eder und Bernhard Schätz In SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition, SAE International. Details DOI BIB
  • 2016 A Lightweight Design Space Exploration and Optimization Language Alexander Diewald, Sebastian Voss und Simon Barner In Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES '16), Seiten 190–193, New York, NY, USA, ACM. Details DOI BIB




  • April 2013 Deployment and Scheduling Synthesis for Mixed-Critical Shared Memory Applications Sebastian Voss und Bernhard Schätz In Proceedings of the Engineering Computer-Based Systems Conference (ECBS '13), Seiten 100–109, Phoenix, AZ, USA, IEEE. Details DOI BIB


  • Februar 2012 Scheduling shared memory multicore architectures in AutoFOCUS3 using Satisfiability Modulo Theories Sebastian Voss und Bernhard Schätz In Tagungsband - Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme VIII, MBEES 2012, Details URL BIB