Safe and autonomous systems through model-based systems engineering
The fortiss Mobility Lab shows how complex systems can be developed cost-efficiently and on schedule despite constantly new requirements, distributed supply chains, numerous functions and a high degree of variability.
Using autonomous driving functions, the Mobility Lab demonstrates how model-based engineering can significantly increase development efficiency through the abstraction and automation of the process steps. The focus of these activities includes:
The Mobility Lab uses miniature vehicles and a test route to allow developers to become familiar with the fortiss approach to systems engineering by means of a near-real system and open-source solutions from fortiss. A traffic congestion pilot is utilized to visually convey the methods, demonstrate their effectiveness and validate them in a simulation environment, as well as in vehicles equipped with the necessary sensors, actuators and processing power.
Using a realistic end-to-end example, the Mobility Lab makes model-based systems engineering tangible by means of an open-source technology stack, and in the process demonstrates how the abstraction can make system complexity manageable, from the early design phase to the finished system, through the use of models and automation of the development steps. This allows companies to respond to new requirements in a flexible manner and increase quality and efficiency while reducing costs.