BaSys4 Transfer

BaSys4 Transfer

System architecture for the fourth industrial revolution

BaSys4 Transfer

How can system architectures in industrial automation be designed to be flexible and future-proof? We are answering this question in the BaSys4Transfer research project.

Project description

The economy is on the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. Against the backdrop of the economic challenges in Germany, digitization in the manufacturing sector aims to enable manufacturing companies to successfully adapt to ever greater market volatility, new global competition, rising numbers of variants and increasingly customized products down to batch size 1.

Production plants that meet this challenge can only be realized through more efficient engineering and significantly increased adaptability. The significant reduction in change costs that this requires calls for new types of system architectures that focus on making production more flexible.

In the projects BaSys4.0, BaSys4.2 and BaSys4Transfer fortiss and its consortium partners are developing an open software platform for the realization of fourth generation production plants. The aim is to network and integrate existing technologies in such a way that Industry 4.0 applications can be realized. To this end, the consortium is developing not only an open-source platform for digital twins in asset administration shells, but also model-based techniques to automate or simplify the engineering of modern plant architectures based on them. In the final project BaSys4Transfer, the focus is now on the applicability and transfer of these BaSys results. Thus, the easy applicability in practice shall be further improved by an engineering and testing environment. This will be developed as open-source software and will thus enable small and medium-sized companies in particular to take the step towards system architecture for the production plants of tomorrow.

Research contribution

In the BaSys4Transfer project, fortiss is investigating methods for the automated exploration of production plants and their components in order to be able to take into account the flexibility and rapid changeability required in Industry 4.0 scenarios, already in early engineering stages for the system architecture. In addition to researching the mathematical processes required for this, semantically rich models must also be defined and used for this purpose, which represent the necessary data basis to enable automation and tool support in the first place.

In order to enable the applicability of these methods and models in practice, we consider the assurance of conformity and consistency of these models with other existing documents and artifacts as a second research focus in the project. Here, artifacts from specific tools for different aspects of the design of production plants (control electronics, software, geometry, ...) are to be considered, which arise in the course of engineering, as well as already existing documents and models which must be considered or are to be reused (Brownfield).

Project duration

01.10.2022 – 30.09.2025


 Andreas Bayha

Your contact

Andreas Bayha

+49 89 3603522 556

More information

Project partner


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  • 2020 An Ontology-based Metamodel for Capability Descriptions Michael Weser, Jürgen Bock, Siwara Schmitt, Alexander Perzylo and Kathrin Evers In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), pages 1679–1685, Vienna, Austria, Details DOI BIB
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  • 2020 Describing Capabilities of Industrie 4.0 Components Andreas Bayha, Jürgen Bock, Birgit Boss, Christian Diedrich and Somayeh Malakuti German Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, ():, 2020. Details URL BIB
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  • 2019 OPC UA NodeSet Ontologies as a Pillar of Representing Semantic Digital Twins of Manufacturing Resources Alexander Perzylo, Stefan Profanter, Markus Rickert and Alois Knoll In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), pages 1085–1092, Zaragoza, Spain, Details DOI BIB
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  • 2018 Optimization and Reconfiguration of IEC 61499-based Software Architectures Tarik Terzimehić In ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) - Doctoral Symposium, Details DOI BIB
  • 2018 Alternatives for Flexible Deployment Architectures in Industrial Automation Systems Sten Grüner, Somayeh Malakuti, Johannes Schmitt, Tarik Terzimehić, Monika Wenger and Haitham Elfham In 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), Details DOI BIB
  • 2018 Using Design Space Exploration to Calculate Deployment Configurations of IEC 61499-based Systems Tarik Terzimehić, Sebastian Voss and Monika Wenger In 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2018), IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • 2018 Applying DSE for Solving the Deployment Problem in Industry 4.0 Tarik Terzimehić, Sebastian Voss, Monika Wenger and Vincent Aravantinos In 14th Dagstuhl Workshop on Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems (MBEES), fortiss GmbH. Details BIB
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  • 2018 Challenges in Skill-based Engineering of Industrial Automation Systems Somayeh Malakuti, Jürgen Bock, Michael Weser, Pierre Venet, Patrick Zimmermann, Mathias Wiegand, Julian Grothoff, Constantin Wagner and Andreas Bayha In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), IEEE. Details DOI BIB
  • 2018 Connecting PLCs with their Asset Administration Shell for Automatic Device Configuration Monika Wenger, Thorsten Müller and Alois Zoitl In IEEE 16th International Conference of Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Details BIB
  • 2017 Towards an Industry 4.0 Compliant Control Software Architecture Using IEC 61499 & OPC UA Tarik Terzimehić, Monika Wenger, Alois Zoitl, Andreas Bayha, Klaus Becker, Thorsten Müller and Hubertus Schauerte In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), Details DOI BIB
  • 2017 Evaluating Software-defined Networking for Deterministic Communication in Distributed Industrial Automation Systems Ben Schneider, Alois Zoitl, Monika Wenger and Jan Olaf Blech In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA), Details URL PDF BIB