

Digital product development process with learning assistance system


The DiProLeA research project is developing an in-house and user-specific assistance system for an end-to-end digital product development process. The assistance system centralizes process information and provides the user with socio-technical, individual support tailored to the task at hand.

Project description

Across all industries, the product development process is divided into the concept, development and production phases. Within companies, product-specific information from these phases is still often stored in various distributed systems and databases, each tailored for specific tasks. The combination and integrated interpretation of these systems and databases offers a high potential to meet the demands of a growing variety of product lines and increasing quality requirements in manufacturing. The companies and research institutes involved in the DiPRoLeA project work together to research a modular and industry-independent socio-technical assistance system that supports its users during the product development process.

Research contribution

fortiss conducts research on new approaches for the knowledge-based engineering of technical systems, e.g., to ensure semantic interoperability and to describe communication, interaction and behavioral capabilities.  fortiss further supports the specification of open system architectures for the flexible integration of information and data, and seamless engineering of technical systems.  They are enabled to capture complex interrelationships and provide suitable neutral data formats for formally representing relevant properties.

Project duration

01.02.2021 – 31.07.2024

 Alexander Perzylo

Your contact

Alexander Perzylo

+49 89 3603522 531

More information

Project partner


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