fortiss scientific publications

Scientific publications

Publications, journal articles and brochures with results from the institute

Scientific publications

Keywords: Model-based Systems Engineering

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  • April 2021 FASTEN: An Extensible Platform to Experiment with Rigorous Modeling of Safety-Critical Systems Daniel Ratiu, Arne Nordmann, Peter Munk, Carmen Cârlan and Markus Voelter Domain-Specific Languages in Practice, ():131–164, April 2021. Details DOI BIB
  • April 2021 Smart Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems: How can Exploration and Learning Improve Performance in a Partially Observable Multi-Agent Context? Ana Petrovska, Malte Neuss, Sebastian Bergemann, Martin Büchner and Ansab Shohab In ADAPTIVE 2021: The Thirteenth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications, Details URL BIB
  • February 2021 AI-Blueprint for Deep Neural Networks Ernest Wozniak, Henrik J. Putzer and Carmen Cârlan In Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI '21), volume 2808, CEUR. Details URL BIB
  • February 2021 RMC Factory: A New Approach for Avionics Software Reuse Laurent Dieudonne, Andreas Bayha and Benedikt Müller In 3rd Workshop on Avionics Systems and Software Engineering (AvioSE21, SE 2021 Satellite Events), volume 2814, CEUR-WS. Details URL BIB
  • January 2021 Handling Concurrency in Embedded Software System from Architectural Point of View Jasmin Jahić and Alexander Diewald In HiPEAC conference, Tutorials, Details URL BIB


  • December 2020 Architectures for Flexible Collaborative Systems Birthe Böhm, Carmen Cârlan, Annelie Sohr, Stephan Unverdorben and Jan Vollmar Springer International Publishing, Details DOI BIB
  • November 2020 Enhancing State-of-the-art Safety Case Patterns to Support Change Impact Analysis Carmen Cârlan and Barbara Gallina In Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL-2020), Details DOI BIB
  • October 2020 Checkable Safety Cases: Enabling Automated Consistency Checks between Safety Work Products Carmen Cârlan, Daniel Petrișor, Barbara Gallina and Hannes Schoenhaar In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer) co-located with ISSRE, IEEE. Details URL BIB
  • September 2020 FASTEN.Safe: A Model-Driven Engineering Tool to Experiment with Checkable Assurance Cases Carmen Cârlan and Daniel Ratiu In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), volume 12234 of LNCS, pages 298–306, Springer. Details DOI BIB
  • September 2020 A Safety Case Pattern for Systems with Machine Learning Components Ernest Wozniak, Carmen Cârlan, Esra Acar-Celik and Henrik J. Putzer In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), volume 12235 of LNCS, pages 370–382, Springer. Details DOI BIB