fortiss scientific publications

Scientific publications

Publications, journal articles and brochures with results from the institute

Scientific publications

Keywords: Systems Engineering

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  • 2024 Schlüssel zur erfolgreichen Digitalisierung in Industrie 4.0 – Entwicklung, Implementierung und Nutzen digitaler Zwillinge Sönke Knoch, Dirk Schöttke and Andreas Bayha Industry 4.0 Science, 40(4):40–45, 2024. Details BIB



  • July 2022 Defining adaptivity and logical architecture for engineering (smart) self-adaptive cyber–physical systems Ana Petrovska, Stefan Kugele, Thomas Hutzelmann, Theo Beffart, Sebastian Bergemann and Alexander Pretschner Information and Software Technology, 147():, July 2022. Details DOI BIB
  • June 2022 Challenges in Multi-View Model Consistency Management for Systems Engineering Sebastian Bergemann In Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, pages 77-89, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. Details URL DOI BIB
  • June 2022 Early Assessment of System-Level Safety Mechanisms through Co-Simulation-based Fault Injection Tiziano Munaro and Irina Muntean In 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), pages 1703-1708, IEEE. Details DOI BIB