Human-centered Engineering

Human-centered Engineering

Understand and explain decisions of intelligent systems from the user's point of view

Human-centered Engineering

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) harbors new challenges for the interaction between machines and humans. How can intelligent systems optimally support users and developers? How can humans be provided with sufficient information to be able to comprehend and influence the behavior of an intelligent system? The Human-centered Engineering field of competence delves into these issues by using findings and methods from the areas of computer science, engineering and psychology.

We research and develop data-based, intelligent user interfaces designed to satisfy the requirements and needs of humans. These activities focus on the life cycle of modern applications for personalized systems such as stress recognition, pilot-in-the-loop or recommender systems. To do that we develop user-, domain- and task-models and apply machine learning and data mining methods.

An additional focus involves designing understandable AI decision paths and making intelligent systems more trustworthy. For example, we develop models and user interfaces that convey AI decisions in a transparent and understandable manner.

Using human-centric principles as a foundation, our goal is to find persuasive application solutions and to promote the acceptance of intelligent systems in every field of application possible.  In the process, we endeavor to design the interaction between humans and learning systems so that it is natural, intuitive, robust and reliable.

More information

fortiss whitepaper Human-centric Machine Learning
Whitepaper Human-centric Machine Learning
Dr. Yuanting Liu

Your contact

Dr. Yuanting Liu

+49 89 3603522 427

